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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Biography for Christopher Nolan

Biography for Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan was born July 30, 1970 in London, England, UK. As a child, he had dual citizenship, moving back and forth from the United Kingdom and Chicago. He began to become interested in filming at the age of 7, when his father bought a Super 8 camera and he would make films with his action figures.
Christopher Nolan went on to follow his childhood roots in filmmaking. He has become well known for his unique way of shooting films such as his film Inception. Nolan has also become well known for his Batman Trilogy.

His Batman films had begun a turn on the filmmaking franchise to make superhero films more realistic. The style of shooting with traditional film cameras rather than digital and organic effects has been well enforced with his films, showing that not only his film’s stories need to seem real, but also the effects. The fact that he has done similar things that I have done in my life such as filming things since a young age have made me consider a similar career path as he one day.

Christopher Nolan has used Harness in his work because of his objective thinking with his films, such as how he was able to make a real life rotating hallway film set, which little to no animation used. He also uses underestimating the roadblocks because of how he is able to accomplish making such constructive film sets and unique ways of using IMAX cameras even though to some it would be very difficult. Networking has also been used by Nolan because of his choice in cast that are willing to take their own stunts, as well as well-known actors who people will go see a movie for. Take the first step is also something that Nolan did to get where he is today, by starting on smaller movies that slowly began to turn into much bigger movies.

Haas, Alex, and Teddy Blass. "Biography for Christopher Nolan." HTML5. http://www.nolanfans.com/bio.

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